March 7 to July 5, 2020

A year in the making, this show features twenty women artists from the San Diego area who call themselves TWA (Twenty Women Artists). All the pieces are 20 by 20 inches square and there is something for everyone — a diverse offering in terms of price, media and subject matter. From abstracts in encaustic and mixed media, to figures in bronze and ceramic, to stylized landscapes, to portraits, to work in fabric, each artist has cast her vision – of the future, past or present – in a unique and erudite way.
The artists in the collective represent a cross-section of the rich diversity of America. They are multigenerational and of varied ethnicities — mothers, career women, or some who have tackled the balance of both. All are committed to supporting each other as professional artists, to create a community where their art gives them and others agency. As artists, they interpret, reflect, and construct reality in every work they create.
Artwork on Display
Brenda York (2)
Diana Carey (1)
Diane Hall (4)
Ellen Dieter (15)
Gail Titus (2)
Gillian Moss (3)
Julia C R Gray (3)
Julia San Roman (14)
Kathleen Kane-Murrell (4)
Kathy McChesney (3)
Lisa Bebi (4)
Lori Mitchell (2)
Maite Agahnia (3)
Manuelita Brown (1)
Nadine Baurin (1)
Susan Darnall (3)
Theresa Vandenberg Donche (8)