Gillian Moss has been quilting for about 20 years. In 2008 she found the courage to submit a piece for a major quilt show in California and it was accepted. Since that time, she says, she has been more focused as an artist and has developed her own voice and style. Moss is considered an up-and-coming quilter to watch, having had work in several major juried shows.
“The love of color and pattern is what drives my designs. I was never a quilter who worked from patterns or kits; so it has taken a while to find my voice. Now found, this voice has been getting louder and clearer and today I feel more sure of my design direction.”
Some quilts are narrative — based on stories or events in her life. Others are abstract art quilts, evolved from working with the fabric, color and pattern. You will find little observations and some quirky Irish humor thrown in for good measure.
Moss’ three abstract quilts in the 20/20 show were inspired by the phrase “the devil is in the details” and by photographs taken on a recent (pre-COVID19) trip to London. “The conversation between myself and images caught on camera — after editing and upon closer examination — is the ultimate result.” Moss painted on canvas in bright colors. She then cut it up and stitched it onto the quilts in layers of freeform shapes.